Aid Flotilla under Israeli Military Attack
The Media Review Network (MRN) and the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) express their deep shock and disgust at Israel’s latest show of force, in attacking the flotilla of aid ships carrying much needed aid to the beleaguered, besieged and imprisoned Palestinians. This latest act of naked aggression has led to the killing of about 20 unarmed aid workers and more than 50 wounded.
Israel has used the challenge of its “legitimacy” as its pathetic excuse to divert attention from this latest act of savagery and brutality. This time round, this vicious violence was not directed at Palestinians but at the International community in International waters.
This pre-meditated act of criminality by the Apartheid state of Israel is to divert the genocidal brutality she is carrying out against the Palestinian people. This apartheid entity embodies an evil desire to annihilate the Palestinian people.
To quote Mr. Justice Richard Goldstone from his Report on Human Rights Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict:
“The Mission is also gravely concerned at the increase use of force, including the use of lethal force, in response to demonstrations, and at the generalised violence of the security forces………………”
This act of wanton violence vindicates the report.
An International act of criminality requires an International response. The International community must not allow this Apartheid entity to strangulate the Palestinians by starving Gaza. The law of the jungle must not be allowed to prevail.
We call on civil society and COSATU and all its affiliates to launch an immediate blockade on ships and goods entering South Africa at all ports of entry. Let this be Israel’s Sharpeville.
For how long will the humiliated Arab “leaders” like Mubarak, Abbas, Abdullah and the Sheikhs and Kings conspire with the brutal Israeli Zionists in starving the innocent women and children in Gaza?
The MRN and MJC urge them to gain some self-respect and decorum of dignity and honour by joining the oppressed masses suffering at the bloody hands of the Zionist oppressors.
We also call, on our Government and our department of International Relations and Cooperation to immediately review our ties with the Zionist entity and to adopt a principled position regarding oppression and oppressive nature of this illegal regime.
We urge our Government to initiate an urgent legal process to secure the prosecution of the State of Israel for its perpetual war crimes and violations of international law pertaining to its piracy in international waters.
We also believe our Government has a responsibility to immediately arrange for our Mission in Tel Aviv to gain access to the injured and the detained, including the South African radio journalist, Khadijah Davids, of Cape Radio 786, and to demand their immediate release.
Iqbal Jassat
Media Review Network
Cell: 083 594 3749
Moulana Ighsaan Hendriks
President of the Muslim Judicial Council
Cape Town
South Africa
Cell: 083 384 6973
Join the MRN group on Facebook at!/group.php?gid=8404757740
- PRESS RELEASE : Protectthe Rohingya. - June 8, 2020
- EID-UL-FITR MESSAGE-1441 (A.H) (2020) - May 23, 2020
- How Israel Legitimizes the Abuse of Palestinian Political Prisoners - April 30, 2020