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*Churchill reading history* or *For empire – against the dog without a manger*

By Hassen Lorgat 

I do not admit 

I do not admit 


that the dog in the manger

 has the final right to the manger,


Whilst i know

I do not admit 

That  even though he may’ve 

lain there for a very long time. 


I do not admit that right.

Hell, No I do not admit, 

that a great wrong has been done

to the Red Indians of America, 


Noooo I do not admit 

That a great wrong has been done 

To the black people of Australia


 I do not admit 

 I do not admit 


that a wrong has been done to those people 

(Yes, we’ve done no wrong to those people)


We did no wrong

So, I do not admit

We did right 

We had might


The fact is that as a  stronger race,

We were a higher grade race,

We were a more worldly-wise race


So, we have only come in 

We have only taken place


To lead them to freedom.

It is the white man’s burden,


Our burden, to lead

The Aryan stock is bound to triumph”


So, I do not admit

I really do not admit

that the dog in the manger

 has the final right to the manger,


Hassen Lorgat 

I helped write this poem  based on Churchill’s testimony In 1937,  when he told the Palestine Royal Commission also known as the Peel Commission on Palestine, where he revealed the racist and “white supremacist” basis of his support for the Zionist project .

The Aryan stock triumph comment was taken from an earlier comment in 1901 when the 26-year-old Winston Churchill, was addressing the so-called perceived problems of the Orient in general. He was predicting the outcome of the  Russia-China dispute. Even then, his superiority and paternalism shows when he said:…we shall have to take the Chinese in hand and regulate them…

Hassen Lorgat