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Iraq – Breaking News

What talks?

(source:Al-Ahram Weekly)

Muslim Brotherhood claims that it is seeking dialogue with the NDP have provoked a rush of rumour. Gamal Essam El-Din sifts through fact and fiction

Security forces in Alexandria arrested seven members of the Muslim Brotherhood on Sunday as well as confiscating computers and documents. On the same day State Security Prosecutor Hisham Badawi ordered that Abdel-Moneim Aboul-Fotouh, a leading member of Brotherhood’s Executive Guidance Bureau and Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Doctors, remain in custody for 15 more days pending investigations. The prosecution authorities agreed that Aboul-Fotouh could remain in El-Kasr El-Aini hospital, where he is receiving medical treatment.

Since May almost 40 senior members of the Brotherhood have been arrested. Minister of Interior Habib Al-Adli, addressing a Police Academy graduation ceremony attended by President Hosni Mubarak three weeks ago, launched a scathing attack on the Brotherhood, affirming that the "police will never relent in directing an iron fist at the criminal activities of a group that has placed undermining legitimacy and spreading chaos at the top of its agenda".

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Was hamas the work of the Isaraeli mossad?

Was Hamas the Work of the Israeli Mossad? 


sheikh Yassin

 ‘The notion – that Hamas is the brainchild of Israel – is simply incorrect.’

By Ramzy Baroud

 While various Western governments are struggling to define a possible relationship with the Palestinian movement Hamas, some progressive and leftist circles are also uneasy regarding their own perception of the Islamic movement.

Some have even made the claim that Hamas is, more or less, an Israeli concoction. In fact, the accusation that Hamas was created by Israeli intelligence has become so commonplace that it often requires no serious substantiation. While the claim, as it stands, is erroneous, there is certainly a reason and history behind it. But was Hamas, in fact the work of the Israeli Mossad?

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