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Lawfare – Breaking News

Obama threatens Iran

By Alex Lantier

(source:  World Socialist Website)

At a White House briefing last Wednesday, President Obama personally joined the growing chorus of war threats against Iran coming from Washington and its allies.

Recent threats include remarks from US Defense Secretary Gates, who argued against “another war in the Middle East” in 2008, but stated last month that the US does “not accept the idea of Iran having nuclear weapons.” Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said it was “still time for sanctions,” but that “at a certain point, we should realize that sanctions cannot work.”

It was against this backdrop that the White House called in selected journalists for a press briefing on Iran. They reportedly discovered only after arriving that the “briefer” at this apparently routine event was none other than the president himself.

Obama’s purpose was to deliver a blunt warning to the Iranian government: it could either surrender to US demands that it abandon its nuclear program, or face US attack.

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Thousands march in washington and new york

Thousands march in Washington and New York against Gaza assault

By a reporting team

12 January 2009

Saturday’s protest in WashingtonAn estimated 10,000 people gathered Saturday, January 10 in Washington DC to march against the US-backed Israeli attack on Gaza. The thousands marched in dreary weather compounded by hail and cold rain.

Attendees came from across the east coast, arriving in buses from Florida, Virginia, Philadelphia, New York and other areas. There were thousands of students, youth, families and workers. Many Arab-American, Palestinian, and other immigrant families came to express their opposition to the attack on Gaza. Little children wore placards depicting some of the Zionist atrocities. On the podium and in the crowd there were also Jewish students and workers opposed to Israel’s actions.


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