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Peace now Isarael planning 73300 new homes in west bank

Peace Now: Israel planning 73,300 new homes in West Bank 
By Sara Miller  
A report by the Israeli left-wing NGO Peace Now released Monday says that the government is planning to build more than 73,300 new housing units in the West Bank.

Peace Now estimates that if all of the units are built, it would mean a 100-percent increase in the total number of Israeli settlers. The report says that some settlements, including the two largest Ariel and Ma’aleh Adumim, would double in size.

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Hamas official hails british mp george galloway as hero in Gaza

Hamas official hails British MP George Galloway as ‘hero’ in Gaza
By The Associated Press 
A Hamas official on Monday hailed controversial British MP George Galloway as a "hero" upon the lawmaker’s arrival in the Gaza Strip.
Galloway entered Gaza from Egypt with an aid caravan. About 50 British volunteers and 100 vehicles carrying food, clothing and medicine passed through Egypt’s Rafah border crossing with him, a Hamas border official said. 
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Aipacs proxy war on Obama

by James Zogby

Jmes Zogby

President of the Arab American Institute- Washington,DC

(source: Media Monitors Network)

"Despite the harshness of these attacks, and the hurt, no doubt, they have brought to Ms. Robinson, I am convinced that this entire episode had less to do with her than it does with the President. And the charges against this distinguished Irish leader though not only wrong headed, hurtful to her, and unfair, were also a case of political misdirection."
On August 12, 2009, President Barack Obama awarded the Medal of Freedom, our nation’s highest civilian honor, to 16 individuals whom he described as “agents of change”. Among the awardees were: Senator Edward Kennedy; former Congressman and Cabinet Secretary, the late Jack Kemp; and Grameen Bank founder Muhammed Yunus.

One of the recipients, Mary Robinson, Ireland’s first woman President and world renowned advocate for human rights, was singled out for attack by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and AIPAC. They argued, on the flimsiest of grounds, that Robinson was biased against Israel (though for the ADL and AIPAC, anything short of effusive praise for Israel is seen as evidence of bias).

The case they built against her was based largely on her chairing the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban, South Africa, in her capacity as High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Commission. The Durban Conference has been criticized by supporters of Israel for its harsh criticism of Israeli policies. There is, however, clear evidence that Robinson played an important moderating role in tempering the language of the conference, especially when it came to upbraiding those conferees who crossed the line into anti-Semitism.

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