Taking a leaf out of the prophets life
By Mufti Zubair Bayat
(This article was published in the Natal Mercury Paper on Thursday, 27 May 2010 p.15)
The recent Mail & Guardian cartoon, which attempts to depict the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) lying on a psychiatrist’s couch and supposedly lamenting the lack of humour of his followers, has evoked an angry response and strong objection from the Muslim community.
Depicting40of God and the Prophet (pbuh) are strictly forbidden in Islam. The rationale for the prohibition of depicting the image of God is because He is beyond human perception. The rationale for the prohibition, inter alia, of depicting the Prophet (pbuh) is that he was too sublime to be truly portrayed. Furthermore, attempts at portraying him could result in his image being distorted. There are therefore no records of any authentic image or portrait of the Prophet (pbuh) anywhere in the world, from any period of Islamic history, which is a significant point to note.