First bluff now blood
In an unprecedented development, a Darfur armed opposition group storms Sudan’s cultural capital, writes Gamal Nkrumah Is it really over?… Read More »First bluff now blood
In an unprecedented development, a Darfur armed opposition group storms Sudan’s cultural capital, writes Gamal Nkrumah Is it really over?… Read More »First bluff now blood
By Norman Finkelstein
(source: Zspace)
Israel would not be so up in arms about the Goldstone Report, would not be so upset by it, were it not for the fact that, yes, they are very vulnerable to the public opinion, and they know very well the limits beyond which it may not express itself against them, or the president of the United States, who does have a constituency, will begin to feel it: no, it’s going too far, you really have to stop. And then that’s their only ally — the Americans. . . . If tomorrow Israel were to attack Gaza again, I think all hell would break loose. I really do. I think it would have a huge problem. . . .
(source: Voice Of The Cape fm Online)
The Gauteng-based advocacy group, the Media Review Network (MRN), has hit back at renewed claims made by Pretoria academic, Prof Hussein Solomon regarding a terror threat on this year’s FIFA 2010 World Cup. In his response, MRN chairperson, Iqbal Jassat, said it was clearly evident that the self-proclaimed "expert on Islamic extremism" was running out of time in his crusade against Muslims as the clock ticks away towards the countdown of the Fifa World Cup.
"It is also known that his credibility as a serious researcher and academic on the subject of ‘Islamic terrorism’ – an oxymoron – has suffered a great deal ever since his outrageous allegations were uncovered and challenged by us. It is thus pertinent to recall where and in whose company those ridiculous allegations were made," Jassat wrote.
(source: The Jordan Times)
The world has welcomed Israel’s decision to ease the blockade of Gaza ever so slightly. This is a very unfortunate position, because it in effect legitimises the Israeli blockade of Gaza, which very much remains in force.
That the world should applaud the fact that Israel is now allowing all kinds of food and toys to reach the Gaza Strip is, frankly, astonishing. It is evidence of rank prejudice against Palestinians, who are treated merely as people not deserving more than to be recipients of aid.What is needed, of course, is a full lifting of Israel’s blockade on Gaza, as well as a full lifting of the restrictions on movement of Palestinians, still very much in force in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
Palestinians want to build a state. That requires, at a minimum, two things: the world to begin to ramp up pressure on Israel to roll back its half-a-century-long occupation; and Palestinians to be granted the opportunity to try and build an economy away from international donations and towards self-reliance.These are the ABCs of state building. They are fundamental to self-determination. And without them, all international declarations in support of Palestinians’ rights are empty words.