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Eid message from the presidency to all muslims in south Africa


The celebration of Eidul Fitr comes after fasting and sacrificing in the month of Ramadaan. It is the celebration of those who have purified and renewed themselves. Renewal is ever necessary for individuals and societies, and renewal is often best achieved following a period of sacrifice and hardship. The Muslim Community has shown a willingness to impose on themselves abstention from food and drink, but also from negative habits during Ramadaan.

It has been such purposeful faith that has allowed the Muslim community to become an important and integrated part of our nation.

South Africa has not designated Muslims equal to other citizens because we do Muslims a favor. They are equal citizens; enjoying both shared and unique rights, because they have earned them through centuries of suffering and resistance, as slaves and exile under colonialism and inferior citizens under apartheid.

On the day of Eidul Fitr, we too as a government renew our commitment to Muslims as equal, fellow citizens, living together in peace and harmony in a democratic South Africa

Eid Mubarak

HE Kgalema Motlanthe

President of the Republic of South Africa