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MRN Press Release on Muslim Ban

syria boy

The Media Review Network is deeply troubled by Trump’s Muslim Ban and condemn it in the strongest terms.

Though we are encouraged by the wave of protests against it at several US airports and the judicial order which temporarily blocks the Executive Order, we are concerned that the Trump administration remains arrogantly adamant to pursue its Islamophobic policies.

We believe that Muslims, especially from the seven targeted countries will justifiably be outraged and angered.

Refugees who are homeless and displaced as a direct result of America’s wars of aggression in their homelands such as Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Libya will feel aggrieved too.

We thus believe that legitimate resistance to America’s military presence in the wider Muslim world will intensify.

Donald Trump seems to be in a race to crown himself as a bigot and defining his administration as a world leader of Xenophobia and Islamophobia.

We call on South Africa, the African Union and the international community to urgently reassess its alliance with America’s discredited “War on Terror”.

We also call on civil rights activists to take note of the assault on human rights by Trump’s total reliance on Israel’s failed policies.

That he has surrounded himself with a cabinet subscribing to “Israel First” will undoubtedly exacerbate America’s fraught relations with the Muslim world.


Iqbal Jassat

Executive Member: Media Review Network