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SA Jewish Report Given a Bloody Nose

The Media Review Network welcomes the decisive ruling of Judge Bernard Ngoepe denying the South African Jewish Report leave to appeal the sanction imposed by the Press Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman had initially ruled that the complaint of anti-semitism had no merit and was devoid of substance. Instead, it directed that the Zionist mouthpiece should apologise to the SABDS Coalition for making a fabricated claim.

The appeals panel accepted the findings of the Press Ombudsman and ruled that the Zionist propaganda rag had no reasonable chance of success on appeal and therefore dismissed it. Nothing is more damning than the following quote from Judge Ngoepe’s judgement:

“In coining its grounds of appeal, the applicant embarked on a hair splitting exercise. It  argued that the Ruling found breach of certain clauses that had not been relied upon by the respondent. Related to this argument, is the one that the applicant was not given the opportunity to respond to those charges, which, it claims, constituted a new case. The respondents contest the two arguments. They have no merit”

The resultant message is clear: the local proxies of the Zionist entity’s global propaganda movement must not use the serious crime of anti-semitism for political expediency by attempting to muzzle free speech in South Africa, a bloody nose indeed.

Issued by:

Dr. Ahmed Haroon Jazbhay

Executive Member: Media Review Network.