16 June 2021
To whom it may concern
This memorandum serves to inform you why you and your Company should
The South African Clover Brand is No More!
They were bought out by an Israeli Company, MILCO, who owns 60% of Clover.
The Central Bottling Company (CBC) is a parent Company of MILCO and has been found
guilty of Consumer Fraud by Israeli Courts.
MILCO and CBC operate in illegal Israeli Settlements in the Occupied West Bank and
Syrian Golan Heights.
CBC directly funds the Israeli Offence Force as well as Election Campaigns of Netanyahu
and now Bennet.
During the 2014 Israeli attach on Gaza which left 1400 Palestinians Dead, the CBC
facilitated supplies to the Israeli Offence Force.
Despite opposition from Workers Unions and Human Rights Groups, the Competition
Commission approved the takeover, disregarding the seriousness of MILCO’S complicity
in the violation of Human Rights
This is our call to you and to our fellow South Africans;
• STOP exploiting our workers;
• STOP exporting our profits to Apartheid Israel;
• STOP arming the Apartheid Israel Regime;
• STOP the Israeli Apartheid Regime from being able to operate freely and legitimately
in South Africa.
Together we can protect the Integrity and Independence of our Local Dairy Industry, which
provides jobs to millions of South Africans.
The South African Government has already declared Israel an Apartheid State and as South
Africans we should stand firmly against Apartheid, Injustice and Oppression.
As Nelson R Mandela said, “we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the
freedom of the Palestinians”.
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes a duty, and we hope that this will guide
to stand on the side of humanity, for if you remain neutral in situations of injustice, you have
chosen the side of the oppressor.
#FreePalestine #SaveSilwan #SaveSheikhJarrah #SaveYaffa #SaveLifta
Yours Faithfully
(Sent electronically therefore unsigned)
Per: Nabeela Mool
Nabeela Moola LL.B (Director)
Letho Sibanda (Para-Legal & PA to Ms. N Moola)
Shakil Vally (Para-Legal)
44 Wilson Street, Fairland
Randburg, 2030
Tel: (011) 431 2006 | Cell: +27 72 895 8090
E-mail: nabeela@nmoolainc.co.za / legal@nmoolainc.co.za
- From South Africa to Palestine: Trump’s war to defend apartheid - February 12, 2025
- Protest Action Alert - February 12, 2025
- Protest Against Israeli Professor, Dr Fabian Didi Speaking at the Ophthalmological Society of South Africa’s 2025 Congress - February 11, 2025