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MRN Represented at the International Conference on the Call of Al-Aqsa

In keeping with global efforts towards the liberation of Al Quds and all of Historic Palestine, the International Conference on the Call of Al-Aqsa is presently being hosted in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq from 6 – 8 September.

Executive Member of the Media Review Network, Dr. Ahmed Jazbhay, as well as International Human Rights lawyer and lawfare advocate, Attorney Ziyaad Patel will make presentations at the conference.

Dr. Jazbhay will present a paper titled: Unravelling the Paradigm of War Embedded in the Colonial Contract of Palestine.

The paper aims to expose the hidden underside of Zionist colonialism in Palestine, that is, the Paradigm of War, and how to manifests in the contemporary era.

Attorney Ziyaad Patel’s presentation centres of lawfare efforts presently underway in South Africa to prosecute South African Zionists for serving in the Israel Occupation Forces, in contravention of South Africa’s Foreign Mercenary Assistance Act (FMAA).

The conference is a crucial effort is bringing about unity of purpose in efforts aimed at liberation of Palestine.

Issued by :
Dr. Ahmed Haroon Jazbhay
Executive Member
Media Review Network