In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful
The Almighty said: “Verily those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and remain firm (on that path),- on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve and never will Allah grant to the disbelievers a way (to triumph) over the believers.”
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, for granting me the ability to strike for freedom. Praise be to Allah for His countless blessings, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, the beloved of truth, our prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and his family and grant him peace.
I am sending you these words of mine, as my flesh has melted, my bones have gnawed, and my strength has weakened from my imprisonment in the beloved, authentic Palestinian city Al-Ramla. This is my will to my family, my children, my wife, and my people.
My wife, I counsel you and my children to fear Him (Allah), the Most High, to cling to His firm rope, to dispense with His bounty from others, to speak the truth in every time and place, to uphold ties of kinship, to pray and to pay Zakat (almsgiving), to preserve Allah‘s sanctities, and His right to our situation, money, movement, residence, and knowledge. The best homes in Palestine are the homes of martyrs, prisoners, the wounded and the righteous.
I entrust the uncles, aunts, relatives and neighbors to you; everyone who has a right over us. I entrust you with not leaving anyone with a debt over me, moral or material, for your love (me) is most in need of His mercy. If it is my martyrdom, do not allow the occupier to dissect my body, bury me near my father and write on my grave “here (lies) the poor servant of Allah, Khader Adnan, your prayers for him, his parents, and Muslims everywhere”. Make it a simple grave, and ask Allah for forgiveness, mercy, consolidation, and the breadth of my grave, and to make our graves a garden of paradise, not pits from the depths of Hell, and that He accepts all our deeds purely for His honorable face.
Mother of Abd al-Rahman (my wife) and the children, Ma‘ali, Bisan, Abd al-Rahman, Muhammad, Ali, Hamza, Maryam, Omar and Zainab. Forgive me and my brothers Abu Adnan, Abu Anas, Umm Nour and all the uncles, uncles, relatives, friends, and neighbors for any shortcomings from me on your side as I leave this temporary life, but make sure that I have not been distracted from you except by Allah’s permission for duty.
O our proud people, I send you this commandment of greetings and love, and I am full of confidence in His mercy, victory, and empowerment.
My greetings to our commanders, the families of the martyrs and the prisoners, and my greetings to them and to all the revolutionaries.
Your loving husband, Umm Abd al-Rahman; your loving father, my children; your loving brother, my brothers; your loving son, our people.
I pray that Allah accepts me as a martyr loyal to His honorable face.
Your love, Khader Adnan
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