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One Democratic State – A Poem

A few years ago
Netanyahu’s clique said they will be
“returning Gaza to the Stone Age
and for removing the snake’s teeth
by destroying Hamas’s arsenal”

The recent genocidal attacks of 23/4
mowings of the lawn, they call it
Is their action-plan

Netanyahu will not concede to Palestine
In any state or form

The two state solution
Is the answer to which problem?

Netanyahu mocked Gaza recently
“little Palestinian state in Gaza”
And rejects all that will make Palestine human again
But that is not his call

It is the call from those below
The rubble, in the makeshift cemeteries and in the streets
With slings and other pieces of resistance tools they can muster

It is time for us to converse
With one mind and tongue
That which has been carved by blood and rubble
one democratic state

PS. No fascists please,

Hassen Lorgat
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