By Zafar Bangash
With another selection cycle facing the American people, it is pertinent to ask how democratic is American democracy. A closer look reveals it is tightly control. Both candidates serve the same master
By Khadijah Ali, Crescent International
As Americans head towards another election cycle—presidential as well as congressional—the question of the nature of American democracy has once again come to the fore. How democratic is American democracy and whether it is participatory or representative?
Notwithstanding its self-proclaimed greatness and being a light on the hill, it is essentially an oligarchy. As Greg Palast famously said, America has the best democracy money can buy. It is held hostage by lobby groups of which the America Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the most notorious.
While acting as a lobby group for Israel, it is not registered with the Foreign Registry Office as a foreign agent. It operates outside the purview of the law. Robert Kennedy as US Attorney General in the 1960s, had demanded AIPAC’s registration as a “foreign agent”. He was assassinated in June 1968.
In May 1963, President John F Kennedy had sent a letter to Israel warning it against acquiring nuclear weapons. He was assassinated soon thereafter. There is a large body of opinion in the US that holds that Kennedy was assassinated by Mossad agents for his opposition to Israel’s acquisition of nuclear weapons.
Israel’s toxic influence has only grown since the 1960s. AIPAC has a stranglehold on US politics and politicians. Barring a few exceptions, almost every member of Congress has an AIPAC minder. The minders’ job is to shape congress members’ thinking about Israel. When Pat Buchanan said that US Congress is zionist occupied territory, he reflected a reality that few politicians dare speak about.
On July 24, members of Congress were on their feet applauding every lie that Benjamin Netanyahu uttered in his hour-long address. It simply confirmed Buchanan’s description of congress being occupied territory. This was Netanyahu’s fourth address to congress, surpassing even Winston Churchill. And Netanyahu is no Churchill.
How has Israel achieved such a stranglehold on American politicians and the decision-making process? AIPAC, the well-heeled non-registered lobby group is flush with money. Zio-billionaires spend a lot of money to keep members of congress and indeed staff at the White House including the president on the straight and narrow path of supporting the zionist entity.
AIPAC does not operate in isolation. It has set up super PACs whose sole aim is to advance the Israeli agenda. The best-known AIPAC super-PAC is the inappropriately-named United Democracy Project.
It has nothing to do with democracy since its sole function is to subvert the US democratic process, flawed as it is, in the interest of a foreign country. It has spent $31,679,020 on campaigns to target non-cooperative members of Congress in this election cycle.
There are also other zionist organizations that work in tandem with AIPAC to target politicians that dare question Israel’s genocidal policies or not sufficiently deferential to the pro-Israel lobby.
AIPAC uses a number of tools in its arsenal. It raises funds for candidates that are running against members of congress that refuse to tow the lobby’s line. Lawmakers must fulfill every demand, however, outlandish, of the zionist entity. The Biden regime announced, on August 13, another $20 billion arms package to Israel amid its ongoing genocidal war on Gaza.
Congresswoman Cori Bush was defeated in the Democratic primary in Missouri on August 7. AIPAC spent $8.5 million against her because she called for justice for the Palestinian people and opposed zionist genocide. She lost to St Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell, a faithful zionist stooge.
Congressman Jamal Bowman was similarly targeted in the Democratic primaries in New York. AIPAC spent an even larger sum against him: $17 million. His sin was also to support the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and speak out against Israel’s genocide of Palestinians.
Boasting about its pro-Israel position, AIPAC openly declared its ability to influence US politics. Expressing dismay at such tactics, peace activist Medea Benjamin wrote: “On the contrary, it showed that pro-Israel groups can buy elections and it sent a frightening message to all elected officials that if they criticize Israel, even during a genocide, they may well pay with their careers.”
In July 2024, AIPAC claimed “So far this cycle, all 90 AIPAC-endorsed Democrats have won their primary election.” Remember Greg Palast.
The zionists use other tactics as well, such as blackmail. Jeffrey Epstein was a notorious pedophile and child molester. He provided underage girls to many American politicians including Bill Clinton, as well as Prince Andrew of Britain. Epstein used to make videos of the politicians’ sexual encounters and then use them for blackmailing purposes.
Even in a perverted society like the US—and the west in general—politicians would rather not have the public or their families know the sordid details of their sexual escapades. Mossad also uses its female employees to entrap foreign rulers, diplomats and scientists. Most Arab rulers have been compromised and are thus unable to oppose zionist crimes. That also explains why the zionists are so opposed to and are such staunch enemies of committed Muslims. They cannot be lured into sexual traps.
We need to identify some of the zionist lobby groups and family foundations that spend hundreds of millions of dollars to advance not the US but Israeli agenda. Some of the notorious family foundations and lobby groups working for Israel are:
Adelson Family Foundation, Allegheny Foundation, Anchorage Charitable Fund, Castle Rock Foundation, Earhart Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation, Klarman Family Foundation, Paul E. Singer Foundation, Smith Richardson Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Scaife Family Foundation, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, William Rosenwald Family Fund.
The American political system is neither participatory nor representative. If lobby groups, primarily AIPAC can buy candidates or defeat those who oppose zionist genocidal policies by spending huge sums of money against them, it can hardly be called representative democracy.
There are two other fundamental flaws in the American political system. One is the 538-member electoral college that elects the president, not the people. True, people in each state nominate their delegates but the fact that in a country of 330 million people, 538 members elect the president is preposterous. In five previous elections, the person “elected” as president had lost the popular vote.
The other anomaly is the 100-member US Senate. There are 50 states in the US and each state has two senators. To understand how ridiculous and unrepresentative this is, consider the following statistics.
For a population of 39.5 million, California has two representatives in the Senate. The same applies for Texas (31 million people), Florida (23 million) and New York (20 million). Montana with a population of 36,452 also has two senators. Most cities in California, Texas, Florida and New York have larger populations that the entire state of Montana.
So much for American democracy and the will of the people.
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