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The revolution will not be televised tonight, but we will see you live

By Tauriq Jenkins.

The revolution will not be televised tonight

But, her images now move past all screens into the street.

There is a death wish of a man

who ordered the camera to shut down for 45 days

not a week, a month, 45 days.

“You will not shoot the killing spree for 45 days”

On Turtle Island, an election will take place

and for 45 days indigenous limbs will silently go sliced under the cover of darkness.

Western eyes must not see the funerals that will come, the blood that will flow.

45 days, like a slow train to Krakow, filled with broken lenses, tripods, microphones,

to be stuffed on a holocaust museum wall

like skin and hair under a gaseous light bulb.

There is a death wish of a man

that has said the ‘revolution will not be televised” not televised, not televised, not televised.

Yet, the images of what will come

are already emblazoned in our sleep and crack open in our wake. Every second, minute and hour.

Al Jazeera dreams will encounter us all tonight, and every night, in sleep and in breath every proceeding 45 days, we will repeat each image loudly in our souls.

The revolution is already been televised.

The Eastern silhouette beckons unnumbered stars that watch for eternity

And from Constitutional Hill

unleashed from the prison of our collective nightmare,

We will see you live,

in our billions every day for the next 45 days.

The ‘revolution will not be televised’ he said.

We say, we will see you live, in court.

Beware the Barristers of Ubuntu.

We will see you live.