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Press Release: October 23, 2024 Demonstration in Solidarity with South Africa’s Legal Team at the International Court of Justice (ICJ)

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) and other organisations and individuals demanding an immediate end to Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip, will hold a demonstration outside the Cape High Court on Monday October 28, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM.


We stand in solidarity with our legal team as they submit South Africa’s Memorial of facts and legal argument to the ICJ in support of our claim that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people.

Key Objectives:

  1. Prosecute South Africans serving in the Israeli Occupation Force under the Regulation of Foreign Military Assistance Act, 1998.
  2. Hold South Africa accountable under the law, including through domestic legislation, the enactment of the Apartheid Bill.
  1. End Israeli apartheid and stop the genocide and holocaust of Palestinians by Israel.

The Apartheid Bill submitted to Parliament by the PSC and its stakeholders, aims to:

  1. Incorporate the UN Convention on the Prevention and Suppression of Apartheid into South African law.
  1. Hold Israel and all apartheid states accountable for the crime of apartheid.
  1. Prosecute human rights violations constituting apartheid, domestically and internationally.

Organizers and Supporters:

This demonstration is organized by a coalition of groups, including the legal fraternity, National Association of Democratic Lawyers of South Africa, Student law organizations, Healthcare professionals advocating for Palestine, and other allies.

Planned Activities and Speakers:

Prominent lawyers, healthcare professionals, and representatives from NGOs will call for:

– Israel’s accountability

– BDS NOW. Boycott Divestment and Sanctions!!

– Enforcement of South African laws

– Ending South Africa’s complicity in the ongoing genocide

Contact:For more information, please contact Usuf Chikte, PSC

Coordinator, at 082 877952.