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Press release

New IDF Order will allow for mass Deportation of Palestinians

The Media Review Network (MRN) and the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) express their serious concerns at the new Israeli Defence Force(IDF) Orders that will potentially turn all Palestinians into “infiltrators” in their own country.  Two new orders No. 1650 regarding Prevention of Infiltration and No. 1649 regarding Security Provisions, were issued in October 2009 as amendments to an old military order of 1969 which declared that “infiltrators” will be liable to imprisonment and deportation. The implications of these orders are far reaching and potentially allow Israel to pursue its policy of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

These orders can only be interpreted as a further step in the Zionist designs to establish “Eretz Israel” from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. These orders form part of the criminal policy that Israel has developed over the years against the Palestinian people; it combines occupation, apartheid, colonization and forced displacement of the population.

The contents of the new military orders are in blatant violation of international human rights standards and international law principles. It represents one more tool in the hand of the Israeli occupation forces to control and alter the demographic composition of the occupied Palestinian territory. This will ultimately impose a Jewish majority in Israel and the occupied territory.

These new orders – superficially enacted as ‘security measures’ – are, in fact, aimed at legitimising the forcible transfer and deportation of the civilian population of the occupied Palestinian Territory.

The MRN and MJC strongly condemn the enactment of these new military orders and calls upon the International community to insist that Israel revokes them.

We call on the South African Government to issue its strongest condemnation of these draconian orders and express its solidarity with the Palestinian people by assuring them that the ANC led government will not ignore the threat of ethnic cleansing hanging over their heads.

Ibrahim Vawda
Senior Researcher,
Media Review Network
Tell: 012 374 6987
Cell: 072 295 0088

Nabeweya Malick                                                                                                                                    
Public Affairs & Media,
Muslim Judicial Council   
Cape Town
Cell: 083 408 1157