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World urged to take note of Indian terrorism in ihk

(source: Kashmir Media Service)

In Geneva, a Kashmiri delegation urged the international community to take note of the current human rights situation in occupied Kashmir where Indian troops and police personnel were committing genocide of Kashmiris.

The delegation urged the council to hold an urgent debate on the situation and impress upon Indian to allow the United Nations special repporteurs, special representatives and working groups to visit the territory and investigate the human rights violations perpetuated by the Indian army and paramilitary troops.

Altaf Hussain Wani, while addressing the United Nations Human Rights Council, said that besides killing over hundred thousand innocent people of all ages during the last two decades, rape, extra judicial killings, arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances and harassment was order of the day.

During the current spree of repression, he said that over 100 innocent Kashmiris had been killed since June 11 and peaceful demonstrations were met with brute force and Indian forces enjoyed the total impunity. He said due to continued curfew the life was paralysed and people were facing shortage of essential commodities, which had amounted to starvation-like situation. He urged the Council to appoint a special representative for Indian occupied Kashmir. Mir Tahir Masood in his speech said that due to the continued curfew the people were facing shortage of essential commodities especially baby food. He said the Armed Forces Special Powers Act gives licence for Kashmiris’ killings and Indian army was using the license to kill the innocent people. He said that most of the people killed during last two months were teenagers.   Other Kashmiris in their intervention said that the human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir was deteriorating with each passing day and urged the Council to impress upon India to stop state terrorism in the occupied territory.