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Open Letter From MRN To President Jacob Zuma: Break off all ties with Apartheid Israel

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 Dear  Mr. President.

From time to time, unsubstantiated reports concocted by some official spin doctors  and funded by intelligence services would have us believe that the Palestinians are the aggressors and the Israelis are the victims.

Insinuations to this effect were incessantly made by South Africa’s Ambassador to Israel, Mr. Sisa Ngombane, at a press conference held at O R Tambo International on Friday 7th October 2016.

The press conference was held to honour Ms. Leigh-Ann Naidoo, South Africa’s representative on the Women’s Boat to Gaza. The Boat was carrying a group of international human rights activists to Gaza, to lend support to the women of Gaza, suffering from the 10 year siege and blockade of the Strip by the illegitimate  Zionist Apartheid state of Israel.

Mr. Ngombane used the occasion to discredit the Palestinian people, blaming them for igniting the 2014 invasion of Gaza by the occupying forces of the IDF, dubbed Operation Protective Edge. What does one say about a person who refers to the Palestinians who are resisting occupation, as war-mongers and refers to settler terrorists from Eastern Europe, who steal the land that belongs not to them, as forces of freedom , justice and enlightenment.

His demeanor and conduct was most unbecoming of a person representing our country and by extension would be the face of the our young democracy.  His dress code was distasteful and  showed total disregard and disrespect for the audience and most of all for the guest of honour. He acted in an unprofessional manner which at times, bordered on bully-boy tactics.

It goes without saying that his responsibilities will include the protection, sovereignty, integrity and to promote the international relations, of our fledgling independent state. He failed to do so.  Above all, he failed to provide Ms. Naidoo with the necessary consular support during her kidnap and subsequent incarceration by the Zionists military force. He failed to carry out his constitutional and moral obligation towards a South African citizen in a foreign country. This is clearly a dereliction of duty and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

The Apartheid regimes of DF Malan, Hendrik Verwoerd and Vorster were aided and abetted by the newly established illegal Apartheid Zionist state of Israel to entrench the oppressive ideology in our country. Their military and ideological support of Apartheid South Africa only served to prolong the agony and hardships suffered by our people over 6 decades.

The MRN urges the South African Government to review our diplomatic relations with Apartheid Zionist Israel. If we do not want to provide lip service only to the concept of freedom and justice and if we hope to retain our moral high ground, the correct thing to do would be to sever all ties with Israel.


Ibrahim Vawda

Media Review Network

+27 72 295 0088