Message of Support from the Foundation for Human Rights ………………………………………………………. 2
Media Statement from the Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation. …………………………………………………. 4
NADEL STATEMENT………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Imam A Haron Foundation……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
UNITED ULAMA COUNCIL OF SOUTH AFRICA …………………………………………………………………………… 10
Media Statement by Nkosi ZMD Mandela, MP ………………………………………………………………………… 11
Bram Hanekom ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Media Review Network…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13
SABDS Coalition……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 14
PAAF (People against Apartheid and Fascism) …………………………………………………………………………. 16
Message of Support from the Foundation for Human Rights
It is with great dismay that we learnt of the complaint filed by the Zionist Federation of South Africa at the Judicial Services Commission against retired Judge Desai. The Zionist Federation accuses Judge Desai of conduct “entirely unbecoming of a judicial officer” and questions his appointment to the office of Legal Services Ombud by President Ramaphosa.
The timing of the complaint coming as it does on the heels of massive worldwide outrage at the killing of 267 Palestinians including 27 children carried out by the Isreali army and the marches in solidarity with the people of Palestine held across our country, all point to an attempt by the Zionist Federation to deflect attention from the atrocities committed by Israel in Occupied Palestine.
The Zionist Federation has singled out Judge Desai for an unwarranted and vitriolic attack based on his principled stand against the forces of oppression under apartheid in South Africa and in Occupied Palestine. As an advocate, he traversed the entire country for roughly 15 years and dealt with cases in in many parts of the country. His clients were the poor and anti-apartheid activists. As a judge he has made several landmark rulings and has presided over some of the biggest trials in the country.
During his time on the bench Judge Desai did not forget his roots and gave freely of his time to advise civil society organisations in the human rights sector involved in addressing issues of inequality, poverty, homelessness and joblessness. Judge Desai served with distinction on the Board of the Foundation for Human Rights. The Foundation for Human Rights (the Foundation) was established in 1996 by the European Union and the Government of South Africa to address the historical legacy of apartheid, to promote and advance transformation in the country and to build a human rights culture using the Constitution as a tool. The FHR’s mission since its inception in 1996, has resonated with the human rights values held in high esteem by Judge Desai.
The complaint by the Zionist Federation will not intimidate freedom loving South Africans from voicing their opposition to the intention of the Israel Apartheid state to turn the West Bank and Gaza into Bantustans and to legitimise the oppression of the Palestinian people under apartheid laws which strip Palestinians of their humanity and dignity, nor will it silence Judge Desai from speaking out against Zionist aggression and intimidation.
The Foundation for Human Rights calls on the legal fraternity and all freedom loving South Africans to declare their unconditional support for Judge Desai and join our call to the Judicial Services Commission to dismiss the unfounded charges levelled against Judge Desai by the Zionist Federation and furthermore dismiss with contempt any attempts by the Zionist Federation to interfere in the independence of the judiciary.
We are bound to continue with the struggle against inequality, poverty and oppression anywhere in the world. Our beloved former President Nelson Mandela reminded us that: “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”
Media Enquiries
Ms. Lindiwe Sibiya
Press Release 12 June 2021
Media Statement from the Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation.
In defence of human rights activist and retired Judge, Seraj Desai, South Africa’s Ombudsman for
Legal Services
Cape Town, 11 June 2021: The Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation notes with immense concern the attack on retired Judge Seraj Desai by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF).
As a human rights foundation we find it difficult to comprehend the merits of the attack against Judge Desai. It appears to be a blatant attempt to discredit a champion for human rights and defender of social justice whose work greatly benefited ordinary South Africans during the dark days of apartheid and in the post-apartheid era.
Judge Seraj Desai has served as a champion for justice; a moral authority and a legal practitioner of the highest calibre. He has maintained an impeccable track record of virtue, spanning over four decades in defence of the downtrodden and the voiceless.
While we defend the right to free speech, and the right to disagree with those with whom we do not share the same perspectives, The Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation maintains solidarity with Jugde Seraj Desai and stand against this attempt to assault a person who has distinguished himself as a paragon of integrity.
We cannot sit back as mere spectators and accept aspersions being cast against Judge Desai, our
Constitutional Democracy and the South African judicial system.
We must graciously and humbly insist that the South African Zionist Federation withdraws its complaint and ceases all further attempts to discredit Judge Seraj Desai.
It is The Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation view that the complaint lodged by the South African Zionist Federation with the Judicial Conduct Committee proves the existence of a political agenda that is in direct opposition to the free and equitable society that we are building from our apartheid past.
The ongoing conflict between Palestine and Israel has seen numerous human rights violations against Palestinian woman and children. Israeli settlers continue to claim Palestine homes and land illegally and in clear violation of international law.
Social media channels and WhatsApp groups have borne witness to this genocide, of which which Judge Desai has been an active and outspoken critic. Judge Desai must be allowed to defend human rights and freedom in Palestine, and where ever else injustice occurs.
The charges against Judge Seraj Desai form part of the agenda to remove any credible opposition to the idea of the State of Israel as the second apartheid state.
We dismiss this political agenda to cast aspersions on one who has consistently called out the Zionist
Apartheid State of Isreal for its racism, crimes against humanity and more than 60 violations of UN
resolutions and international law, including the continued illegal expansion of Zionist settler occupation of Palestinian lands and property.
The Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation cannot ignore the perpetration of genocide, ethnic cleansing and ongoing crimes against humanity inflicted on the Palestinian people. These actions deserve a place at the International Criminal Court, and must receive the contempt they deserve.
We call on the Judicial Conduct Committee to dismiss the SAZF complaint as disingenuous and without any credibility as it serves as proxy for those who defend the massacre of innocent women, the detention of innocent children some as young as 7 and 8 years of age. It serves the agenda of people who unashamedly have no regard for justice and are willing to utilise the provisions and institutions of our judicial system to advance their own objectives to defend the Apartheid State of Israel.
We maintain our solidarity with Judge Seraj Desai and call on the National Association of Democratic Lawyers (NADEL), formations of the legal fraternity, and all progressive organizations, to support Judge Siraj Desai and the idea of the right to freedom and justice for ALL oppressed peoples of the world.
The Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation urges all who value social justice and our constitutional democracy to speak up and rally in support of Judge Seraaj Desai.
HANDS OFF THE PEOPLE’S JUDGE! Solidarity and Justice will prevail!!!
Essa Rinquest
Essa and Fatima Moosa Foundation +27 78 229 9553
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The baseless and vitriolic attack on retired judge Siraj Desai by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) in the form of their complaint notarized in apartheid Israel and lodged with the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) warrants a response, for it underpins a sinister agenda to silence those justice and freedom loving people who speak out against the colonial occupation, crimes of apartheid and genocide by the Zionists against the people of Palestine. Judge Desai, by expressing his support for the people of Palestine, has not committed a breach of the Judicial Service Commission Act or the Code of Judicial Conduct. His principled stance on issues of social justice globally is consistent with the values and precepts that informed our struggle against colonialism and apartheid, as well as our global solidarity with the oppressed in other parts of the world, especially in occupied Palestine. The JSC, which was established in terms of section 178 of the Constitution, should refuse to accept or validate this complaint by the SAZF and not waste any resources investigating it, for it does not involve any matter concerning the administration of justice in South Africa. We should be mindful too that Judge Desai, who is currently a retired judicial officer, has not committed any judicial misconduct to begin with and that his support for the people of Palestine is commendable. Judge Desai has been consistent in his support for the Palestinians for many years, even before his retirement, and therefore the motive and timing of the SAZF complaint is obvious, coinciding as it were when apartheid Israel has committed heinous crimes against the Palestinian people recently, and when misperceptions abound of the alleged unfair treatment of judicial officers who appeared before the JSC recently and were robustly questioned on their commitment to human rights and to fighting corruption. The SAZF complaint against Judge Desai also coincides with the misguided application instituted by CASAC against the JSC, based on the perceived irregular questioning of judicial candidates by members of the JSC. One such candidate is Judge David Unterhalter who failed to get the nod from the JSC for the vacancy on the Constitutional Court, after he was questioned about his declared membership of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD), an organisation well known for its support for the Zionist and apartheid state of Israel, and his understanding and commitment to human rights values and international law. We submit that the malicious complaint by the SAZF is unmeritorious and similarly the application instituted by CASAC, whose blatant display of double standards is equally astonishing as it is disappointing for an organisation that has sworn to uphold the values and precepts of our constitution. They (CASAC) are objecting to the line of questions about judicial candidates’ interest in and commitment to human rights, but never once objected to similar robust 2 questions posed to those judicial candidates who were known or perceived to be associated with the Broederbond, a secret organisation well known for its support of the apartheid regime and the heinous atrocities committed against Black people in South Africa. The struggle against apartheid was a just and partisan cause in South Africa, and so too the struggle against Zionist oppression and exploitation of the Palestinians. Support for Zionist oppression in occupied Palestine can never be equated with the legitimate struggle for social justice, equality, and freedom, globally and locally. We do not believe that it is necessary for Judge Desai to explain or justify his commitment to human rights, and the values of freedom, equality, and justice. NADEL supports the robust questioning of any judicial candidate’s commitment to human rights and finds the narrative of ‘unfairness’ to be absurd. Any judge’s view on human rights is central to their eligibility or suitability for high judicial office. Members of the JSC were therefore entirely justified in asking judges, including Judge Unterhalter, questions which sought to test their understanding of human rights, globally and locally, mindful too that all judicial officers are required to have regard to international law when interpreting the Bill of Rights (see section 39 of the Constitution). We therefore call on CASAC to withdraw its application and not
waste any resources in pursuing a Zionist agenda. The SAZF complaint falls outside the mandate and scope of the JSC, and lacks any merit and substance, making it unworthy of investigation by the JSC. We therefore call on the JSC to dismiss the SAZF complaint against Judge Desai, failing which it will be in the public interest for individuals and organisations to be permitted to make representations to the JSC in an open and transparent process. Issued by the National Association of Democratic Lawyers (NADEL) Date: 19 June 2021Contact: Secretary- Ms. N Jali Cell: 071689370514’h June 2021
Imam A Haron Foundation
The South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) has lodged a formal complaint with the Judicial Conduct Committee against Judge Siraj Desai accusing him of actions unbecoming of a judicial officer, citing the judge’s political beliefs and purportedly acting in defence of the South African Legal system as well the former President of our country, Honourable President Nelson Mandela.
This is not a complaint by an organization that is concerned about the South African Legal system that was democratically restructured when South Africa was transformed into a democratic state during
- 1994. The SAZF, as the organization’s name clearly suggests, openly advocates, and supports the despicable policies of the Zionist State of Israel; it does so by lobbying for it whenever and wherever it can without any apology.
It should be reiterated that the SAZF has unashamedly done so over the years at various forums; this thus underlines this organization’s blind backing and unreasonable defence of this apartheid state’s discriminatory legal system. They, that is the SAZF and its affiliates, are not doing the South African legal system or the legacy of the late President Mandela any favours; nay, they are doing the system and Mandela a great disservice.
Judge Siraj Desai comes from a strong tradition of laying the foundation for our current independent, democratic, and just legal system. He fought in the trenches against the racist Apartheid South African regime. He bravely did so alongside his colleagues and mentors such as Richard Dudley, Ben Kies, Dullah Omar, Essa Moosa, and many others; many men and women who have been credited for their pivotal role in building and shaping the democracy that we have today.
This occurred, whilst the SAZF and its various affiliates were the direct beneficiaries and supporters of the racist South African government. And its should be reminded that it was this very same racist regime that was responsible for the killings in detention of Imam Abdullah Haron, Steve Biko, Ahmed Timol, and the extrajudicial murders of Fort Calata, Anton Fransch, Coline Williams and Ashley Kriel and an array of other freedom fighters.
The SAZF directly and through its associates are well-aware of hundreds of privileged ‘white’ South Africans who continue to go to apartheid Israel joining its ‘security forces’; these men and women are indeed party to countless atrocities against the Palestinian people who not only Muslims but Christians too. And for the record, they also act against those Jewish groups that have been and are just-loving individuals because they have publicly spoken out, like us all, against the injustices and discrimination in that apartheid state; they, like us, have stated that those acts are done ‘not in our names’.
All of us in South Africa and elsewhere should thus be mindful of the fact that the project in documenting the apartheid state of Israel’s communal slaughters continues and that their atrocious actions should not be permitted to persist; nay, these should be stopped at all costs and since it flagrantly disregards the rules and regulations of the global community, all those responsible in that apartheid state should face the International Criminal Court (ICC).
So, we seriously look forward to hearing how Chief Rabbi Goldstein, who purports to subscribe to impartial justice and fair play in his publicly recorded sermons, prepares himself to unapologetically defend Israeli Occupation Forces; these are specially trained men and women who have not only violated the rights of the Palestinians over the many years but they have also undermined the Palestinian peoples human dignity; they did so, by physically removing them from their homes and by coldheartedly demolishing them without showing any remorse.
Judge Desai is correct in his position, both politically and morally to oppose the Zionist State of Israel; and we as justice-loving and democratically oriented communities do not expect less from him. We join Judge Desai, in his legal understanding, that Zionist Israel is an apartheid state; and, as a professional, conscientious, and committed legal officer, Judge Desai is duty-bound to point out the discriminatory actions of that apartheid state.
According to Human Rights Watch, Apartheid, today is a universal LEGAL term. The 1973 International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and the 1998 Rome Statute to the ICC define apartheid as ‘a crime against humanity’ consisting of three primary elements:
- 1. An intent to maintain domination by one racial group over another;
- 2. A context of systematic oppression by the dominant group over the marginalized group; and
- 3. Inhumane act
The crime against humanity of persecution, as defined under the Rome Statute and customary international law, consists of severe deprivation of fundamental rights of a racial, ethnic, or other group with discriminatory intent. The Zionist State of Israel is guilty on all accounts.
We, at the Imam Haron Foundation, extend our support to Judge Siraj Desai in any action that will be taken by the Judicial Conduct Committee against him based on the SAZF questionable complaint. The JCC integrity will itself be tested and called into question if it, as a bona fide South African judicial body, acts against Judge Desai because of the judge’s open support for the people of Palestine; a people who, like we did during the days of apartheid South Africa, yearn for social justice.
Judge Desai was and remains on the side of justice; the SAZF persists in its supporting for the Zionist
Apartheid State of Israel that has undoubtedly commits acts that have been legally recognized as
‘Crimes against Humanity.’
Our solidarity with the Palestinian people will only be strengthened by this attack on Judge Desai. Our collective action against ‘apartheid’ anywhere will continue unabated, and we are confident that Judge Siraj Desai, as a leading figure in the legal system, will continue to direct our struggle and those of others (such as the Palestinians) for an all-embracing justice.
Aluta Continua
Cassiem Khan
National Coordinator (0766407928)
SELECTIVE MORALITY! South African Zionist Federation’s Petition to the Judicial Conduct
The South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) has lodged a complaint with the Judicial Conduct Committee (JCC) against retired judge, Siraj Desai, over an alleged breach of the Code of Judicial Conduct.
The SAZF has supposedly taken umbrage at Judge Desai for
allegedly undermining the integrity of ‘a world‐renowned peacemaker’ like President Mandela. Ironically it is this very peacemaker who publicly affirmed that freedom in South Africa will remain incomplete as long as Palestine is not free. He said:”But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” (4
It seems strange that SAZF would come to the defence of a leader whose views on Palestine happen to be antithetical to Zionist
dogma! The SAZF further accuses the retired judge of“Using the prestige of the judicial
office to publicly promote an extremist organisation.
How then does SAZF reconcile the statements of the Chief Justice in support of Israel made during a webinar hosted by a right-wing
Israeli newspaper, with its complaint against Judge Desai? The SAZF came out in defence of
the Chief Justice saying that:“Mogoeng should never be silenced by intimidatory exploits…”
Do the statements of the Chief Justice not undermine the prestige of his office? Does his support for Israel not endorse colonization, occupation and support for two legal systems
for two ethnic groups? When an Israeli Jew and an Arab commit the exact same crime in the
West Bank, why is it that the Jew will face
a civil court, while the Arab, a military court? Does his stance not endorse the routine indignities of occupation which are part of daily life for Palestinians at the hands of terrorists? This display of selective morality smacks of abject opportunism. Petitioning the Judicial Conduct Committee for abusing the ‘privilege of office’ is certainly rich coming from an entity which supports the daily abuse of privilege in Occupied Palestine.
Issued by:
Y Patel (Moulana)
UUCSA Secretary General
16 June 2021
Media Statement by Nkosi ZMD Mandela, MP
Hands off Retired Judge Seraj Desai
Mvezo Komkhulu (The Great Place), Friday 11th June 2021: We unequivocally condemn the attacks by the South African Zionist Federation on Retired Judge Seraj Desai. The vocal supporters of Apartheid Israel and funders of ethnic cleansing, genocide and crimes against humanity have no moral authority and integrity to call anyone’s character, competence and/or political persuasion into question.
Judge Desai has an impeccable record as an upholder of justice and human rights. His contribution to the South African judiciary is well-known and beyond reproach. We could not have found a more fitting choice for the position of Legal Services Ombudsman and he will undoubtedly play a stellar role in safeguarding the integrity of the legal profession in South Africa.
The SAZF has misdirected it’s vituperous slander and character assassination against Judge Desai and must hang it’s head in shame for defending Apartheid Israel “a regime notorious for its disregard of human rights and which is responsible for gross human rights violations, including torture and violence against thousands of people, is an insult to the people of South Africa, the Constitution, and our democratic institutions.”
We call on all in the legal profession in South Africa and globally to condemn the attack on retired Judge Seraj Desai. We call on the general South African public, our ANC Alliance, worker formations, the Palestinian, Kurdish and Kashmiri solidarity groups and all human rights advocates and advocates for justice to say loud and clear: Hands off Judge Seraj Desai!
An injury to one is an injury to all!! ENDS
Nkosi Zwelivelile
Royal House of Mandela
Mvezo Komkhulu
P.O. Box 126
Viedgesville 5102
Eastern Cape Province
South Africa 🇿🇦
Bram Hanekom is an activist and board member of Africa4Palestine
Another own goal by desperate Israeli lobby as complaint draws praise for Judge Desai
Amidst the total collapse of Israel’s reputation globally, based on the failure of Israel’s lobbyists to
hide the truth, the Israeli lobby desperately continues its endless attempts to confuse the public. As
7 different South Africa political parties have come out condemning the human rights violations committed by Israel, as over 300 South African hardware stores cancel over 200 million rand of contracts with pro-Israeli companies, as our president speaks openly about Israel’s Apartheid, as our government considers a total closure of diplomatic relations with Israel and as the Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng desperately attempts to win an appeal against a ruling by the JSC that he must apologize for bringing his office into disrepute- the Zionist Federation decided to lodge a complaint against retired Judge Siraj Desai. It is interesting that the complainant notarized his documents in Israel and sent them to the JSC from Israel, showing the obvious interference and involvement by Israel in this attack on Judge Desai.
The intention of this complaint is both to try defame or tarnish his reputation and to distract the public from the controversy Mogoeng Mogoeng is being held to account for. The distraction would probably aim to perpetuate the “two sides” or its “complicated” tactic used to confuse the public.
There are many ironies in this complaint, firstly that it took the Zionist Federation 5 years to decide that there was a controversy and that the JSC should hold judge Desai to account. This in itself makes the “controversy” argument invalid, but the fact that his utterances and actions are consistent with our country’s foreign policy position, international law, human rights watch’s recent reports and even our president’s statements make it impossible to be called controversial.
The “allegations” that Judge Desai has been instrumental in supporting human rights and solidarity efforts are compliments and have already made Judge Desai a celebrated hero across the country. The attempts to defame him have backfired so badly that the public and numerous human rights organizations are issuing press statements congratulating him for his incredible efforts. The Zionist Federation have also brought attention to the fact that saying “Apartheid Israel” is neither antisemitic nor controversial, but honest and truthful. While saying “I stand with Israel” is indeed extremely controversial because it means you support human rights violations, you don’t support our government’s position and that you stand in support of an Apartheid oppressive system.
The correct and moral response of the South African people to those who have courted controversy by declaring “I stand with Israel” has been to make sure anyone “standing with Israel” loses business, gets reprimanded, has to apologize or even gets dismissed for bringing their work places into disrepute. Judge Siraj Desai has nothing to apologize for, he has been accused of being on the correct side of history, on the side of the oppressed and this Israeli complaint is truly a badge of honor which he should wear proudly.
Media Review Network
Complaint against Judge Desai without basis or merit
Jun 11, 2021
The Media Review Network (SA) notes with shock and concern the ‘complaint’ laid against
retired Western Cape High Court Judge, Siraj Desai.
Judge Desai, who presently serves as the Legal Services Ombudsman, has been accused of
being a ‘politicised’ judge by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF).
In a clear attempt to divert attention away from the impending appeal judgement against Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, the local representatives of apartheid Israel in South Africa – the SAZF, directed a complaint to the Judicial Conduct Committee (JCC), wherein they claim the actions of Judge Desai “over many years are plainly in breach of the Code of Judicial Conduct”.
The Media Review Network finds the ‘complaint’ spurious, vengeful and without merit. Targeting Judge Siraj Desai for his principled commitment to upholding the universal values of human rights is act of desperation and defeat by the SAZF – an unashamedly pro- Apartheid Israel lobby group.
The ‘complaint’ is a familiar hasbara (propaganda) tactic employed by apartheid Israel and its global proxies to stifle growing pro-Palestinian sentiment in the country amongst high profile individuals and organisations.
Some of the complaints against Judge Desai relate to comments made to an Iranian TV channel on SA foreign policy and comparisons between the leader of the Islamic revolution Ayatollah Khomeini and Nelson Mandela.
Perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of the ‘complaint’ is that it has taken five years for the Zionist federation to realise that the actions and rhetoric of the respected judge have supposedly contravened the judicial code of conduct.
The Media Review Network – South Africa calls on the chairperson of the JCC to treat the
‘complaint’ with the contempt it deserves.
South Africa’s judiciary should not be used by apartheid Israel’s proxies to settle political
and personal scores.
SABDS Coalition
On the morning of 10 June 2021, we all learned through the media of a supposed
complaint by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) to the Judicial Conduct Committee (JCC) against Judge Siraj Desai. He has been attacked for being in solidarity with the people of Palestine in their struggle for national sovereignty and dignity.
The judge has expressly denied that he has either breached the judicial code of conduct or become involved in political controversy. He rejects the allegations with contempt.
He has not been served with the copy of the complaint and will respond to the different allegations and some incorrect inferences when, and if, requested by the relevant authorities.
The timing of these complaints is questionable.
He is unconcerned about the outcome of the proceedings and, of course, denies the allegations of unfitness.
Judge Desai has a reputation as a veteran and principled comrade. He stood side by side with workers and the poor, fighting racial capitalism in the streets and, in later years, in the courts.
Judge Desai, whose conduct as a judge is impeccable, is praised by progressives and human rights activists in his stance for a more humane, just and egalitarian society. He has a distinguished lifelong record in the dispensing of justice nationally, and in defence of
human rights globally.
In contrast, the SAZF supports settler colonialism in Israel, with extreme abuse of power through the twin violences of apartheid versions of law and order.
The SAZF’s use of hasbara tactics (Israeli state propaganda) is retaliatory and vindictive and comes after the national and international condemnation for their recent war on Gaza. The murder of innocents, mostly women and children, is rightfully before the UN Human Rights Council. The baseless attacks on Judge Desai are thus a useful deflection but, like the Palestinian resistance, he is steadfast (SUMUD) and will not be silenced. He will continue to speak against apartheid and ethnic cleansing perpetrated by the last remaining apartheid state in the world.
The recent UN Human Rights Council decision – following on the 2020 decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the Zionist project for war crimes – has come late but the judge welcomes it and calls on all people to do whatever they can to ensure justice for all prevails. An iconic figure in the global anti-apartheid struggle, Judge Desai and his comrades represent a threat to apartheid Israel.
Apartheid South Africa was unable to intimidate and silence Judge Desai. We believe Apartheid Israel and its apologists in South Africa will similarly fail. We commit to fight racism and other forms of bigotry now, as we have done in the past.
Friends and comrades from near and far were disgusted and angered at the recent attack of the Zionists upon the learned and honourable judge. They have called for us to unite under the banner Hands Off Judge Siraj Desai. The purpose of this page is to inform and give space for us to educate one another. In defending the reputation of the judge and comrade, we also use the platform to build solidarity against those who face or have faced similar unjust attacks as the judge. We must build organisations that are critical, principled and stand in the solidarity with the oppressed of the world, wherever they may be.
An injury to one is an injury to all.
PAAF (People against Apartheid and Fascism)
PAAF (People against Apartheid and Fascism) is committed to speak out against any form of Apartheid and injustice and will defend the baseless allegations made against human rights defenders.
The attack by the South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) against Judge Siraj Desai is ill- conceived, malicious, misinformed and aimed at misleading the public on the integrity of the Judge, who firmly stood against Apartheid. He played a pivotal role in ensuring Apartheid was brought to its knees in South Africa.
Judge Desai is a principled person who continues to show his solidarity with the oppressed globally, more particularly with the plight of the Palestinians. The people of Palestine are suffering under Zionist settler colonialism, Israeli Apartheid, the lethal siege of Gaza, the illegal occupation and settlements within Palestine by Israelis and the daily expulsion, evictions and the killing/onslaught of innocent civilians.
We, as PAAF, will not stand back and watch the scurrilous and spurious attacks against Judge Desai and all other human rights defenders who are intent on voicing their opinions to stand with the people of Palestine, against their ethnic cleansing and systematic and unlawful dispossession of their land.
The current situation in Israel is a parallel to the Apartheid South Africa draconian machinery of executive power usurping its powers to do as it wills, including the capture of its own judiciary to justify its illegal intent.
Israeli lobby targets retired South African human rights judge
10 June 2021
The human rights organisation #Africa4Palestine has noted the ridiculous complaint lodged by the Israeli lobby – SA Zionist Federation (SAZF) – against the well respected retired South African judge, Siraj Desai.
The complaint was lodged today with the Judicial Services Commission (JSC).
Judge Desai retired over two years ago and the timing of the complaint is questionable. It seems to be an attempt to discredit Desai and distract from the complaint lodged by Africa4Palestine against South Africa’s sitting Chief Justice, Mogoeng Mogoeng (who entered into controversy by, among other, publicly undermining our country’s foreign policy positions). In fact, the Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng matter is being discussed tomorrow (Friday 11 June) at 11h00 at the Constitutional Court of South Africa by the JSC’s JCC members.
#Africa4Palestine supports retired Judge Siraj Desai and want to clearly state that his role against
Apartheid and stand against human rights abuses is commendable.
Finally, it cannot be ignored that the complaint against the retired Judge Desai was notarised in Israel and #Africa4Palestine is concerned by interest and interference of Israel in our judiciary (see attached).
- From South Africa to Palestine: Trump’s war to defend apartheid - February 12, 2025
- Protest Action Alert - February 12, 2025
- Protest Against Israeli Professor, Dr Fabian Didi Speaking at the Ophthalmological Society of South Africa’s 2025 Congress - February 11, 2025