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MRN welcomes MJC decision to outlaw Israeli products by withdrawal of Halal certification.

We at Media Review Network (MRN) welcome this historic decision by the Muslim Judicial Council to halt Halal certification of goods and produce related to the settler colonial regime.

This crucial intervention by the MJC is groundbreaking for it demonstrates that one of the ways consumers of Halal products are able to express their utter shock and horror at the savage genocide of Palestinians, is to invoke wide scale economic boycotts.

We are optimistic that the significance of withdrawal of Halal certification, will have a ripple effect across the world where similar institutions operate.

In welcoming this move, we are mindful that Israel’s local lobbyists will react irrationality as they always do, by implying that the MJC decision is anti-semitic. Nothing can be further from the truth because to outlaw Israeli products is to oppose Zionist racism.

Israel’s barbaric massacres of innocent Palestinians and the  support it enjoys from hypocritical western leaders, can neither be condoned nor ignored.

MJC’s decision is a reflection of the extent of worldwide outrage against the American-backed death and destruction in the world’s largest open air prison.

Issued by:
Iqbal Jassat
Executive Member
Media Review Network
South Africa
+2783 594 3749

Iqbal Jassat