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Israel takes over more land

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Israel to take over more lands in Palestinian city of Qalqilya

The Israeli regime has planned to take over more Palestinian land for a new settlement project in the city of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank, Press TV reports.

The project will entail more land grabs from Palestinians, the demolition of their properties and an end to essential services for them such as healthcare and schools.

The Israeli regime has notified Palestinian authorities that it will take over 200 dunums of land in Qalqilya.

During the settlement project, two settlements that are already built and surround the village of Atbat Atabib, will be joined by a third one to be constructed, and a road will be built to connect the three.

The Palestinian village is surrounded by the two illegal Israeli settlements of Sulfeen and Alfeh Malaneshe.

“They are working very fast to steal our lands,” Bian Tabib, the headman of Atbat Atabib village, told Press TV.

The villagers in Atbat Atabib received the first demolition order in 2006. The village is facing 30 demolition orders which include a school, a clinic and a children’s park.

In an address to the UN General Assembly on September 27, Acting Palestinian Authority (PA) Chief Mahmoud Abbas condemned Israel’s “catastrophic” settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank and its campaign of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians.

He said that, in the past year alone, thousands of Palestinians’ homes have been razed and more people have been displaced while restrictions imposed on Palestinians have created a “suffocating situation” for them and adversely affected their livelihood.