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Joint press release

Palestinian Application for Statehood

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The position of the Media Review Network (MRN) and the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) has been and always will be our support for a single unitary state in Palestine / Israel in which all its people must enjoy democracy in the full sense of the word. All human rights will be respected, international laws observed, freedom of speech, association, freedom of religious practices and freedom of political thought valued and cherished.

The MRN and the MJC are convinced that the application for Palestinian statehood will be still born for a number of reasons. The so called “peace negotiations” held in the past were never carried out in good faith. The playing fields were never level and the goal posts constantly shifted. For the Israelis and the US the status quo must be retained to allow the existential threat to survive so that their colonial, expansionist agenda continues.

The Palestinian Authority and Mahmood Abbas do not represent all the Palestinian people. The parameters of Abbas’s control on the West Bank are set by Israel. He has no say over security, land grabs, settlements, movement and building of the apartheid wall. The majority of the Palestinians were not consulted.

However, this application will expose the evil intentions of the Zionists and her US ally. These two allies together with the Quartet have always called for a two state solution to the crisis. By vetoing the application, they are in conflict with their own solution. They will be uncovered in all their nakedness. They do not have a single persuasive argument against the establishment and recognition of a Palestinian state.

Whether one is in favor of a one state or a two state solution is immaterial. What is certain is that the US, Israel and the Quartet’s policies are devoid of ethical politics’, with the no intention of reaching a moral, just and permanent solution to the crisis in the Middle East.

Issued By:

Ibrahim Vawda

Senior Researcher – Media Review Network

Tel: 012 374 6987

Cell: 072 295 0088


Nabeweya Malick

Public Relations/ Media Liaison

Muslim Judicial Council

Cell : 083 408 1157
