MJC march may be on Thursday
Posted on: 2009-01-05 13:47:50
Contrary to a text message and e-mails doing the rounds that says that Masjidul Aqsa has been surrounded by the Israeli Army, spokesperson for the Islamic Movement in Jerusalem, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Zahi Injadat confirmed that this is not the case. He told VOC News a short while ago, that Islam’s third holiest mosque, is not in any direct threat and that members of the Islamic Movement and Palestine 1948, are living inside the mosque.
Injadat said that on Friday Israeli police only allowed men 50 years and old, and women to enter the mosque for Jumuah prayers. He also confirmed that there are a number of blockades set up to limit access into the area. “We are protesting against this genocide in Gaza by marches and other protests…we are doing what we can to stop this crazy war that the Israeli’s are undertaking against our people.
“All Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and other parts of the world are one people and are very sad for what is happening.” He said the Palestinians were living under siege. “Most of the towns are closed and under real siege. Only a very little quantity of aid is being allowed into Gaza. They have also forbidden men under the age of 50 to pray in Al Aqsa, because they won’t let us enter Al Aqsa.”
Meanwhile the Muslim Judicial Council has confirmed that their planned pro-Palestinian march will not be taking place on Tuesday but in all probability on Thursday, since city officials require seven days to approve such applications. According to MJC president, Maulana Igsaan Hendricks, they will be meeting with the City of Cape Town at 11am to discuss their urgent application for a march that they hoped would co-incide with the 10th of Muharram this week, a day that holds great significance for Muslims. Stay tuned to Drivetime for more on this story.
Meanwhile, the Palestine Solidarity Group in Cape Town through their support behind the march and met on Sunday to discuss other ways to continue the protest against the Israeli aggression and to show solidarity with the Palestinian people. “We are aware of the limited impact of these gestures but believe that silence is simply not a moral option,” said PSG spokesperson Prof Farid Essack on Monday.
“We also need volunteers for the picketing itself. A public meeting will take place on Friday at 7.30pm at the Mowbray Town Hall and we are approaching the following persons to speak – Tony Ehrenreich; Ronnie Kasrills; Preggs Govender; Mercia Andrews; Na`eem Jeenah; Jonathan Shapiro; Mawlana Ihsaan Hendricks; Reverend Oswald Cloete and Steven Friedman,” Essack said.
” “We recognize that these marches often draw different kind of people, some whose ideas we find rather unsavoury. We will try to mobilize as many of our own friends and comrades from the more progressive and areligious sectors to be present. We will also make our own posters for use at the march. In addition, we are looking for loudhailers or microphones that can be used,” he said. More details are available on 083 459 9989. VOC
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