Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Settlers from the illegally established settlement of ‘Ala Ad’, north of Ramallah, in the West Bank, set the mosque, in the village of al-Mughir, alight and burning down most of the structure. Early morning worshippers were surprised to find burning tyres inside the mosque and a large portion of the contents ablaze. Evidence also suggests that the act of arson was carried out under the protection of the occupation forces.
Israel’s continued development of these settlements, declared illegal under international law, is supported by her guardian allies, the US and the European Union. Therefore, the US and Europe are complicit in these acts of sabotage, savagery and thuggery. This also flies in the face of Barack Obama’s declared respect for Islamic traditions when he shamefully and hurriedly buried Osama bin Laden within 24 hours of his murder, recently.
This act of savagery is not an isolated incident. They occur on a daily basis and in different forms including attacks on wedding functions, house raids by settler gangs, terrorizing farmers and peasants and the killing of innocent children. The combatants of this daily war of attrition are the brave and defenseless Palestinians against the savage thugs from the settler communities supported by the occupation forces of the settlers, for the settlers and by the settlers.
The Media Review Network calls on all men of moral conscience to oppose all types of oppression, tyranny, cruelty and domination. No stone must be left unturned until all these criminal settlers are brought to book because they,like their leaders and supporters, Netanyahu and Obama, act with impunity, knowing full well that there will be no retribution for their illegal behavior.
The Media Review Network strongly condemns these acts of unprovoked violence on blameless and guiltless civilians and also the unjustifiable and indefensible destruction of places of worship.
Issued By:
Ibrahim Vawda
Senior Researcher,
Media Review Network
Tell: 012 374 6987
Cell: 072 295 0088
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