The Media Review Network unambiguously condemns the incomprehensible violence perpetrated against fellow foreigners living in our country.
Nothing can excuse or justify acts of xenophobic or afro-phobic terrorism, whether it is committed by the homeless and unemployed or organized crime syndicates or governments in the guise of homeland security. Killing of the innocent by who so ever is no revenge for people in power living in the lap of luxury or those wretched souls living in abject poverty.
Civilians, foreign or local, are now hostage to the actions of their governments. Unwittingly, ordinary people around the world share a common bond—they have to live with the phenomenon of blind, random and impulsive terror.
There is no easy way out of the spiraling morass of terror and brutality that confronts us today. It is time now for South Africans of all persuasions to indulge in self-analysis and self-examination. Freedom, progress and wealth – these words have taken on new meaning. Our Government has to acknowledge this transformation, and approach this mission with a modicum of honesty and humility. Unfortunately, up to now, there has been no sign of any introspection from our leaders.
The Media Review Network believes that the endemic violence and its causes have to be the subject of a special enquiry. We therefore call on our Government and all stakeholders to undertake this task as a matter of urgency.
Ibrahim Vawda
Media Review Network
- PRESS RELEASE : Protectthe Rohingya. - June 8, 2020
- EID-UL-FITR MESSAGE-1441 (A.H) (2020) - May 23, 2020
- How Israel Legitimizes the Abuse of Palestinian Political Prisoners - April 30, 2020