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ICFR supports the international campaign to break the siege in Gaza and bring Sisi to account



21st June 2015

The International Coalition for Freedoms and Rights (ICFR) supports all efforts to lift the blockade on Gaza, including the international coalition to break the seige in Gaza. These efforts endeavour to bring aid, as well as show solidarity with the besieged population of 1.8 million Palestinians suffering in what is considered the largest open air prison in the world, under the Israeli-Egyptian blockade.

Gaza has lived through four Israeli military attacks in the space of 7 years through which thousands of lives have been lost, and the infrastructure completely destroyed. The main entry point into Gaza, the Rafah border with Egypt, has been largely closed since the military coup in Egypt in July 2013, under General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, now president of Egypt. Furthermore, the tunnels on the border, which have provided a lifeline to the people of Gaza have been destroyed by Egyptian forces, further strangling the besieged population. Recent figures show that Egypt has destroyed 1,429 tunnels under the military regime.

Recently, following tremendous efforts by lawyers and NGOs which called for the investigation of the Egyptian president and officials to bring them to trial for alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations, Sisi cancelled his visit to South Africa for the African Union Summit in June. ICFR considered this a breakthrough in the worldwide campaign to bring to justice a war criminal under who’s administration, countless crimes against humanity have been committed, not only against his people, but against the people of Gaza.

ICFR has recently filed a complaint against Egypt, along with other human rights organisations, and has presented evidence to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights to support its complaint. The complaint alleges violations of [Articles 4, 12 and 20] of the African Charter by its closure of the Rafah border crossing to Gaza.

ICFR will continue to support all efforts, and work with its partners, to bring justice and relief to the besieged people of Gaza, and to charge Sisi’s regime with crimes against humanity for its part in the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

– For further information or interview requests, please contact Toby Cadman on +44 7808071111 or email
– ICFR is an independent legal coalition which supports justice and freedom for all and aims to highlight the
humanitarian abuses and violations committed and to bring to justice those who abuse human rights.
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